Run your RNA Sequencing project with GenomeScan for the highest quality data.

With one simple contact, learn about the most suitable options for your project.


Bioinformatics expertise

Fast turnaround

rna seq portfolio 2024 RNA Sequencing Services
  • Differential Gene Expression Analysis
  • Pathway and Functional Analysis
  • Co-expression Network Analysis

Different RNA Sequencing methods and analyses help you uncover insights into a wide range of biological processes such as development, disease states, or effects of therapeutic interventions. Whether your aim is to identify biomarkers, develop drug screening platforms, or aid clinical diagnostics of patients, GenomeScan’s customizable RNA sequencing solutions provide you with everything you need in a single place.

Mirjam Rademaker RNA Sequencing Services
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How we work together

Scientific support

When you consider one of our RNA seq services, our scientific support team discusses various options with you for a project design that addresses the needs of your project optimally. You agree on project costs, deliverables, sample specifications, and data analysis options.

Quality control

After your sample arrives at our laboratories, we perform an entry QC to ensure the samples are of sufficient quality for sample preparation and provide you with a report. Based on the outcome, we continue with library preparation and apply a second QC step to ensure sufficient library quality for sequencing.

Analysis and reporting

Your samples are sequenced with NovaSeq 6000 and we follow this up by checking the data quality metrics. Depending on your preferences, we provide you with different data analysis options. Finally, you receive a Project Report together with your data. This report contains an overview of all methods used, quality and quantity of the samples after each part of the workflow, and details of any bioinformatics pipelines implemented.

RNA sequencing workflow RNA Sequencing Services

Data analysis & visualization

RNA sequencing data analysis wbg RNA Sequencing Services

An important part of your project is data analysis which may for instance be investigating differential expression of genes, identifying genes that are co-expressed, or pathways that are enriched in these genes. Our bioinformatics experts and validated analysis pipelines ensure you receive the highest quality support.

Our data analysis report provides multiple visualization options to make data easily comprehensible and useable for decision makers. The report summarizes the most relevant information, with additional technical details in appendices or individual sample reports. It is based on many years of experience working with customers and a stringent quality system.

Example publications with GenomeScan data

hendrik veelken profile RNA Sequencing Services

Comprehensive diagnostics of acute myeloid leukemia by whole transcriptome RNA sequencing

Published in Leukemia in 2021 by dr. J. Hendrik Veelken, Professor of Internal Medicine and chair of the Department of Haematology in LUMC

Marlijn van der Poel profile RNA Sequencing Services

Transcriptional profiling of human microglia reveals grey–white matter heterogeneity and multiple sclerosis-associated changes

Published in Nature Communications in 2019 by Marlijn van der Poel, PhD candidate in the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience

Alka Rao profile RNA Sequencing Services

Membrane Adaptations and Cellular Responses of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius to the Allylamine Terbinafine

Published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences in 2023 by Alka Rao, PhD candidate in University of Groningen

Benefits of working with GenomeScan

As an ISO-accredited leading Dutch Next Generation Sequencing service provider, GenomeScan develops customizable NGS solutions for pharmaceutical and biotech companies, healthcare providers and academic institutions. By providing state-of-the-art tools to analyze genetic disorders fast, affordably, and effectively, GenomeScan fosters innovation through partnership with medical centers and research laboratories.

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Our passionate team consists of scientists and technicians with diverse scientific backgrounds. You can consider them as an extension of your own team with a commitment to provide you with excellent, robust, and fast NGS services with matched bioinformatics solutions.

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With a track record of nearly two decades in genetic services and strong support and shareholding of large Academic Medical Centers, we are a partner you can rely on. Whether it involves batched or single-sample processing, prospective or retrospective clinical cohorts, archive samples, biosafety testing material, plant, or microbiome samples, we will deliver.

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Our well-established contacts with technology providers, our collaborations with academic researchers, and out participation in numerous scientific consortia spark our innovation to grant you access to the most advanced sequencing methodologies and solutions.

Daniel voor de PCR apparaten scaled RNA Sequencing Services

We deem quality of a paramount importance, and we fully embrace it by operating under ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 15189 accreditation. Your personal data and privacy are secured via data management system that guarantees the protection in compliance with (inter)national directives.

What our customers say

Working with GenomeScan has rapidly improved our research throughput on phenomenal scale.

drs. Claire van Westeren
Researcher / UMC Utrecht

The time for new and fast research development has come, thanks to GenomeScan the future is now.

Professor Dave Boerland
Head of research / Trinity College

Genetic research is on the rise and will improve rapidly, GenomeScan is on the forefront.

Marry Chammion
Product Developer

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