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Erasmus MC and LUMC to co-participate in GenomeScan

By 21 May 2019June 13th, 2019News

Erasmus MC and Leiden University Medical Center to co-participate in GenomeScan BV and extend their collaboration in the field of molecular diagnostics and R&D


Erasmus MC (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) announced today the acquisition of shares of the fast-growing genomics service provider GenomeScan BV based in Leiden (The Netherlands). Together with the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), another shareholder in GenomeScan, they are joining forces in the field of molecular diagnostics and research.

Ondertekening 190514 007 1024x683 Erasmus MC and LUMC to co participate in GenomeScanIn the fast-growing field of molecular diagnostics, it is critical to introduce and develop cutting-edge diagnostic technologies. One of these technologies is Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) that rapidly analyzes DNA and/or RNA of patients on a large scale.

GenomeScan is an ISO-accredited genomic service provider specialized in Next Generation Sequencing applications. The participation of Erasmus MC and LUMC in GenomeScan allows both UMCs to perform fast and sustainable molecular diagnostics under GenomeScan’s ISO-accreditation for NGS. Moreover, the collaboration will  increase the capacity to innovate, use new technologies and develop new applications for R&D and diagnostics in an international scientific environment.

GenomeScan’s expertise not only lies in molecular diagnostic, but also in developing customizable NGS solutions for pharmaceutical and biotech companies, academic centers and hospitals, mainly within Europe. In addition, GenomeScan collaborates with leading scientific institutes in a number of national and international research projects.

David Voetelink, vice-chairman of the Executive Board: “The Erasmus MC wants to drive innovation in healthcare and technology is becoming an increasingly important factor that requires consequent investments. Through our collaboration with the LUMC we optimize the use of capital equipment. As a result, not only we have access to the most advanced technologies, but also we have a chance to ensure that the healthcare costs remain affordable.”

Pancras Hogendoorn, vice-chairman of the Executive Board of LUMC: “The collaboration with GenomeScan and Erasmus MC fits perfectly with our strategy to develop cutting-edge applications to accelerate and improve diagnosis of patients in state-of-the art clinical research facilities. With the accession of Erasmus MC, we take a big step towards achieving this goal.”

Kees van den Berg, CEO GenomeScan: “Our partnership with both UMCs, allows GenomeScan to strengthen its engagement in developing new tools to diagnose genetic disorders quicker, affordably and more effectively. By sharing knowledge and regrouping facilities, this partnership helps the company to rapidly invest in costly emerging technologies, in a thoroughly sustainable manner, under ISO-accreditation for healthcare providers or academic research and under G(C)LP for the pharmaceutical market.”


About GenomeScan: As an ISO-accredited leading Dutch Next Generation Sequencing service provider, GenomeScan develops customizable NGS solutions for pharmaceutical and biotech companies, health care providers and academic institutions. By providing new tools to analyze genetic disorders quicker, affordably and effectively, GenomeScan fosters innovation through partnership with medical centers and research laboratories.


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